
Have you ever had a query that runs frequently start to randomly go slower? We all have and without the proper tools and knowledge, this can be hard to figure out because there can be so many different reasons. In this blog post, our goal is to make your query optimization in SQL Server a lot better and easier for you.

How does a SQL Server query get proccessed?

This is a great question. All queries get put into a queue if they are not available to run. If there are any available schedulers then the query will start processed. We call this the RUNNING state. If the RUNNING query needs to pause to obtain any required resource like pages from disk or is blocked this query will have SUSPENDED state. Once the required pause is no longer needed, the query status will go back into the queue and its status will now be “RUNNABLE”. This queue is first in first out (FIFO) and once the query moves up the queue and a schedule is free the query is back in motion and has the “RUNNING” status again. This circle can be repeated multiple times until the query execution completes.

Hopefully, our flow process of the status of a query will make sense below.

The cycle of states for a running query.

How do we see the waits for my query?

Now that you understand how a query waits. Lets go ahead and look at how we recommend reviewing this data. Before SQL Server 2017 you had to a bit of work with extended events and dynamic management views. Now we can use our best friend, the query store.

In this video below you will learn how to figure out what waits occurred when your query was executed inside of SSMS without writing a single line of code.

Lets look and see why your query is running slow…

What are your thoughts about getting quick access to waits going on for your queries? Got aditional questions? Let us know in the comments section down blow.

Can I get the demo code?

We know some of you love to replay demos and we like to give you the code to do so when you have free time. If you have any questions with the demo below fill free to throw your questions our way.

USE [master];
ALTER DATABASE [WideWorldImporters] 
					QUERY_CAPTURE_MODE = ALL, /* For demo purposes.
					most likely don't want to capture all in prod */

USE [WideWorldImporters];

/* Verify Clean Starting Point */
select * from sys.query_store_plan
select * from sys.query_store_query
select * from sys.query_store_runtime_stats
select * from sys.query_store_wait_stats /* New in SQL 2017 */

USE [WideWorldImporters];

/* Load all records from disk into memoery 
	because we dropped clean buffers */
SELECT * FROM Sales.Invoices

/* 102 records */
SELECT * FROM Sales.Invoices
WHERE CustomerID = 832

/* Create locking example.
Begin explicit transaction 
but don't commit or rollback yet */

UPDATE Sales.Invoices
SET DeliveryInstructions = 'Data Error'
WHERE CustomerID = 832

-- Hold off on rolling back until after the block

/* Now back in another window, 
wait a few seconds and then 
execute the following statement */
USE [WideWorldImporters];
SELECT COUNT(DeliveryInstructions)
FROM Sales.Invoices
WHERE CustomerID = 832

-- After a few seconds - roll back the other transaction
/* Now Rollback and show other window has data */
/* Flushes the in-memory portion of the Query Store data to disk.
USE [WideWorldImporters];
EXECUTE sp_query_store_flush_db;

Look at all queries in QS using Sales.Invoices.
Notice our UPDATE is missing??
We Rolled it BACK
SELECT [q].[query_id], *
FROM sys.query_store_query_text AS [t]
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query AS [q]
	ON [t].query_text_id = [q].query_text_id
WHERE query_sql_text LIKE '%Sales.Invoices%';

/* get the query_id from statement above
use it to get the plan_id so we can look at its waits */
declare @queryID bigint = 7 
FROM sys.query_store_plan
WHERE query_id = @queryID;

/*Get all waits for that plan. */
declare @planid int = 7
select * from sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval

SELECT * --wait_category_desc, avg_query_wait_time_ms
FROM sys.query_store_wait_stats
WHERE	plan_id = @planid AND
		wait_category_desc NOT IN ('Unknown')
ORDER BY avg_query_wait_time_ms DESC;

/* Make sure you filter for time intervals needed */
declare @planid int = 7
SELECT wait_category_desc, avg_query_wait_time_ms
FROM sys.query_store_wait_stats
WHERE	plan_id = @planid AND
		wait_category_desc NOT IN ('Unknown')
ORDER BY avg_query_wait_time_ms DESC;

/* Look at all waits in system */
select * from sys.query_store_wait_stats

[Updated on 10/25/2018]

With MSIgnite being this week tons of great new features are being announced.  While many will focus on Spark integration, performance tuning, security, and containers sometimes it’s the simple things that give us the most value. I will talk about a feature that is hidden on page 17 in Microsoft’s SQL 2019 whitepaper. This feature is not getting a lot of love now but everyone will love it.  I will be honest, I didn’t even know about it until reading the white paper.  What is really super cool is that this new feature will find its way into SQL Server 2017 and SQL Server 2016. More on this in a bit.

In the past, I have struggled with the classic string truncation error. Everyone has at one point in time or another. It’s tricky to troubleshoot especially when you are processing a big batch of data.

String or binary data would be truncated

So even in SQL 2019, SQL Server 2017 CU12, and SQL Server 2016 (upcoming SQL Server 2016 SP2 CU)  by default, you will see the very classic “string or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.” message. Developers, DBA’s, IT Professionals, and almost everyone who has ever touched SQL Server have seen this frustrating error at least once. It is very frustrating for two separate reasons. One, you have no idea which column had the truncation. Second, you have no idea which row also had the error.

Let’s take a look at a very simple example.

use [tempdb]

if exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name like 'WorldSeries')
drop table dbo.WorldSeries

CREATE TABLE dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName varchar(200), Championships varchar(3))

INSERT INTO dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName, Championships) VALUES ('Texas Rangers', null)

INSERT INTO dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName, Championships) VALUES ('Houston Astros', 'one'), 
('Atlanta Braves', 'two'), ('Pittsburgh Pirates', 'five')

You will see that our first statement on inserting the Texas Rangers completes successfully even though the Rangers have zero (I like NULL) championships.  We have an error in the next batch of doing three inserts in a single query so the whole transaction will rollback. In this example, we could figure out where our error is but let’s pretend we are doing a massive data load into several columns with billions of records. Actually, I don’t even want to think about troubleshooting that and with this new hot feature in SQL Server 2019, you won’t have too either.

SQL Server 2019 Feature Everyone Will Love

Okay, I think you know where this is going… Let’s not prolong this any longer. We will rerun the last statement with just adding trace flag 460.

DBCC traceon(460)
INSERT INTO dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName, Championships) VALUES ('Houston Astros', 'one'), 
('Atlanta Braves', 'two'), ('Pittsburgh Pirates', 'five')


Now it is crystal clear.  The Pittsburgh Pirates have won too many championships to fit into this table. Okay, I guess we can both agree the string “five” is too big to fit into a varchar(3) column.

John’s Thoughts and Recommendation

All you have to do in SQL Server 2019 CTP 2.0 (Current newest public release) is enable trace flag 460.  I hope, the need for trace flag 460 goes away when SQL Server 2019 is Generally Available.  That said, enabling the trace flag is easy and this feature is going to be a lifesaver especially for people consuming data from other sources and struggle troubleshooting data that doesn’t fit into their data model due to the length of a value.

I am sure I am not the only person who provided feedback on this new feature to Microsoft.  That said, I am really excited to see Pedro’s announcement that the trace flag 460 shouldn’t be required when SQL Server 2019 is Generally Available (GA). The new error message (message 2628) will replace the old error message (message 8152). I am also excited that you will be able to utilize this new feature in SQL Server 2016 and 2017. It makes perfect sense for backward compatibility that you will need to provide trace flag 460 if you are using SQL Server 2017 CU 12 or SQL Server 2016.  Way to go Pedro and the SQL Server Team. This is amazing news!

use [tempdb]

if exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name like 'WorldSeries')
drop table dbo.WorldSeries

CREATE TABLE dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName varchar(200), Championships varchar(3))

INSERT INTO dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName, Championships) VALUES ('Texas Rangers', null)

INSERT INTO dbo.WorldSeries (TeamName, Championships) VALUES ('Houston Astros', 'one'), 
('Atlanta Braves', 'two'), ('Pittsburgh Pirates', 'five')

I had a blast speaking at SQL Saturday Denver.  To help everyone moving to SQL Server 2017  I have included my slides and demo code below.  If you end up having any questions with the code or need help feel free to contact me.

SQL Saturday Denver Bonus Content

You can also review our SQL Anti-Patterns

The following an Automatic Tuning in the Real-World example with one of our customers during their SQL Server 2017 upgrade.

In SQL Server 2016 we saw Query Store.  Query Store was a game changer to help database administrators identify troublesome queries. Query Store helps DBAs make those queries run faster.  Microsoft’s marketing team even jumped on to help coin the phrase, “SQL Server It Just Runs Faster.” With SQL Server 2017, this started to get even better with automatic tuning. Don’t worry database administrators.  Automatic Tuning will just enhance your career and not replace it.

SQL Server 2017 Automatic Tuning looks for queries where execution plans change and performance regresses. This feature depends on Query Store being enabled. Note, even if you don’t turn on Automatic Tuning you still get the benefits of having access to the data. That is right. Automatic Tuning would tell you what it would do if it was enabled.  Think of this as free performance tuning training.  Go look at the DMVs and try to understand why the optimizer would want to lock in an execution plan. We will actually go through a real-world example:

Automatic Tuning with SQL Server 2017

First, let’s take a quick look at the output of the data. You can find the query and results we will focus on below.

SELECT reason, score,
script = JSON_VALUE(details, '$.implementationDetails.script'),
estimated_gain = (regressedPlanExecutionCount+recommendedPlanExecutionCount)
error_prone = IIF(regressedPlanErrorCount>recommendedPlanErrorCount, 'YES','NO')
FROM sys.dm_db_tuning_recommendations
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (Details, '$.planForceDetails')
WITH ( [query_id] int '$.queryId',
[current plan_id] int '$.regressedPlanId',
[recommended plan_id] int '$.recommendedPlanId',

regressedPlanErrorCount int,
recommendedPlanErrorCount int,

regressedPlanExecutionCount int,
regressedPlanCpuTimeAverage float,
recommendedPlanExecutionCount int,
recommendedPlanCpuTimeAverage float

) as planForceDetails;

I will break the results down into two photos to make them fit well in this blog post.

Free Tuning Recommendations with Automatic Tuning in SQL Server 2017

Free Tuning Recommendations with SQL Server 2017 (1/2)

Automatic Tuning Results in SQL Server 2017

Free Tuning Recommendations with SQL Server 2017 (2/2)

Now we know in the query store query_id 2271 has CPU time changing from 7,235ms to 26ms. That’s a big difference. Let’s take that query and look at its findings by using the tracked query report inside SSMS.

Query Store find history of a query

Find my Changed Query. Did the plans change?

Here we can see the major difference between the two execution plans. One is averaging over 14 seconds in duration while the other is under a second.

Reviewing Query performance in Query Store

Query Store showing the performance difference between the two plans

Now we can select both plans on the screen above and look at the execution plans side by side inside of SSMS. When doing so, we see the common example of the optimizer determining if it is better to scan an index vs a seek with a key lookup.

Side by Side Execution Plan Review in SSMS.

Using SSMS to compare auto tuning recommended query.

To complete the example I want to point out that automatic tuning would lock in the index seek plan (Plan 2392). In SQL Server 2016 you can do this as well manually inside Query Store. With SQL Server 2017 it can be done automatically for you with Automatic Tuning. If you have ever woken up to slow performance due to an execution plan changing and performance going through the drain this might be a life saver.

If you would like to learn about performance tuning changes in SQL Server 2016 and 2017 sign up for our newsletter or catch me talking about these features at SQL Saturday Denver and SQL Saturday Pittsburgh this month.  If you need any help with tuning or upgrading contact us. We would love to chat with you!


The post SQL Server Automatic Tuning in the Real-World appeared first on SQL Server Consulting & Remote DBA Service.