
sql server 101

Query Store 101

Today I heard a great analogy, and it inspired this post. Execution plans are like flight plans, there are multiple flight paths that can be taken to get from where you are to your ultimate destination. Some plans are more efficient than others, and we want to use those whenever possible. How can I make […]

The post Query Store 101 appeared first on dbWonderKid.


SQL Server Implicit Conversions Matter!

While not all implicit conversions are equal implicit conversions matter. For example, just this week I ran into a trivial… [...]

What is SQL Server parameter sniffing and data skew?

How do I fix this? If you found this page you most likely either found yourself in the middle of… [...]

Why is my SQL Server query slower than normal?

Have you ever had a query that runs frequently start to randomly go slower? We all have and without the… [...]

Automatic Tuning in the Real-World

In SQL Server 2016 we saw Query Store.  Query Store was a game changer to help database administrators identify troublesome… [...]

SQL Saturday Chicago

Last weekend I had a blast speaking at the SQL Saturday in Chicago. It was awesome to share my knowledge… [...]