So What Is Going On? I recently ran into an issue when I set up a job to collect information from an extended event. I wanted to write that to a table in my scratch DBA database. This allowed the customer and I to slice and dice data with ease. This seemed easy enough. I […]

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Make Your Queries Go Faster

Getting Started with SQL Server Performance Tuning

Watch! Getting Started with Performance Tuning Have slow queries and want to get down to the basics of learning some fundamentals for performance tuning? If so, John Sterrett is giving an talk at the Nashville User Group (Online) tomorrow.…

Tuning Update Statement with SQL Server


You are out doing your scheduled sweeps of the environment and you notice a huge I/O consumer is one of your update procedures. Your initial thought may be to panic because how can you test data that is changing? You have several methods to tuning queries that adjust data that allow data to revert between […]

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