SQL Server Implicit Conversions Matter!

While not all implicit conversions are equal implicit conversions matter. For example, just this week I ran into a trivial code change that caused some severe regression in performance. One simple filter change caused a query to consume 227…
Automatic Tuning: Execution Plan Correction

Automatic Tuning: Execution Plan Correction

Have you ever noticed that execution plans changed? Is your performance suffering due to the change? If so, Automatic Plan Correction is for you. In our previous blog post, we identified scalar function improvements, parameter sniffing and…

What is SQL Server parameter sniffing and data skew?

How do I fix this? If you found this page you most likely either found yourself in the middle of a SQL Server parameter sniffing and/or data skew issue and have no idea how to get yourself out of this hole. In the eight-minute video below…

Why is my SQL Server query slower than normal?

Have you ever had a query that runs frequently start to randomly go slower? We all have and without the proper tools and knowledge, this can be hard to figure out because there can be so many different reasons. In this blog post, our goal is…
Make Your Queries Go Faster

Automatic Tuning: Scalar Functions in SQL Server 2019

With SQL Server 2017 Microsoft improved the journey towards making your code go faster without any code changes required by your developers. SQL Server 2019 gives you more of this super cool black magic. Today, we are going to show…