
Performance Tuning

Automatic Tuning: Execution Plan Correction

Have you ever noticed that execution plans changed? Is your performance suffering due to the change? If so, Automatic Plan… [...]

What is SQL Server parameter sniffing and data skew?

How do I fix this? If you found this page you most likely either found yourself in the middle of… [...]

Automatic Tuning: Scalar Functions in SQL Server 2019

With SQL Server 2017 Microsoft improved the journey towards making your code go faster without any code changes required by… [...]

SQL Saturday Denver 2018 Resources

I had a blast speaking at SQL Saturday Denver.  To help everyone moving to SQL Server 2017  I have included… [...]

Automatic Tuning in the Real-World

In SQL Server 2016 we saw Query Store.  Query Store was a game changer to help database administrators identify troublesome… [...]