Entries by JohnSterrett

Join us for FryeDay!

Once again it is PASS Summit week in Seattle. This is the biggest event in the world for SQL Server and Microsoft Data Professionals to gather to connect, Frye First Time Speaker share and learn. I will never forget being anxious and scared the first time I gave a presentation at PASS in front of […]

Best Hidden Feature in SQL Server 2019

With Microsoft’s Ignite conference this week a lot of new features are being advertised all over the internet.  Most likely if you are following along you have heard of Big Data Clusters, Spark, Performance Tuning, and security features.  I am really excited about this new feature and hope you are as excited about it too. […]

SQL Saturday Denver 2018 Resources

I had a blast speaking at SQL Saturday Denver.  To help everyone moving to SQL Server 2017  I have included my slides and demo code below.  If you end up having any questions with the code or need help feel free to contact me. SQL Saturday Denver Bonus Content You can also review our SQL […]

Automatic Tuning in the Real-World

In SQL Server 2016 we saw Query Store.  Query Store was a game changer to help database administrators identify troublesome queries. Query Store helps DBAs make those queries run faster.  Microsoft’s marketing team even jumped on to help coin the phrase, “SQL Server It Just Runs Faster.” With SQL Server 2017, this started to get […]

Four Tips for Entry-Level and Experienced IT Professionals

John Sterrett shares his thoughts on successfully transitioning to an entry-level IT job. Recently, I worked with  AITP to share some tips that helped me successfully transition from a Computer Engineering student at the University of Oklahoma to an entry-level information technology professional. Once, I completed the interview I noticed that my advice was more […]