Automatic Tuning: Execution Plan Correction

Automatic Tuning: Execution Plan Correction

Have you ever noticed that execution plans changed? Is your performance suffering due to the change? If so, Automatic Plan Correction is for you. In our previous blog post, we identified scalar function improvements, parameter sniffing and…

What is SQL Server parameter sniffing and data skew?

How do I fix this? If you found this page you most likely either found yourself in the middle of a SQL Server parameter sniffing and/or data skew issue and have no idea how to get yourself out of this hole. In the eight-minute video below…

Why is my SQL Server query slower than normal?

Have you ever had a query that runs frequently start to randomly go slower? We all have and without the proper tools and knowledge, this can be hard to figure out because there can be so many different reasons. In this blog post, our goal is…
Make Your Queries Go Faster

Automatic Tuning: Scalar Functions in SQL Server 2019

With SQL Server 2017 Microsoft improved the journey towards making your code go faster without any code changes required by your developers. SQL Server 2019 gives you more of this super cool black magic. Today, we are going to show…
Procure SQL Do I need a Backup System Database

Join us for FryeDay!

Once again it is PASS Summit week in Seattle. This is the biggest event in the world for SQL Server and Microsoft Data Professionals to gather to connect, Frye First Time Speaker share and learn. I will never forget being anxious and scared…
Procure SQL Do I need a Backup System Database

Best Hidden Feature in SQL Server 2019

With Microsoft’s Ignite conference this week a lot of new features are being advertised all over the internet.  Most likely if you are following along you have heard of Big Data Clusters, Spark, Performance Tuning, and security features. …
Procure SQL string or binary data get truncated

Where did my string or binary data get truncated?

[Updated on 10/25/2018] With MSIgnite being this week tons of great new features are being announced.  While many will focus on Spark integration, performance tuning, security, and containers sometimes it's the simple things that give us the…

Tail Log Backups

In my SQL Server Recovery Models blog, I touched a bit on my experience with recovery using Tail Log Backup.  In this post we will take an in-depth look at Tail Log Backup; what they are, why they should be in your toolbelt, and lastly line…
Procure SQL - SQL Saturday Denver 2018

SQL Saturday Denver 2018 Resources

I had a blast speaking at SQL Saturday Denver.  To help everyone moving to SQL Server 2017  I have included my slides and demo code below.  If you end up having any questions with the code or need help feel free to contact me. SQL…
Procure SQL Do I need a Backup System Database

Do I Need to Backup System Databases?

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Great question!      Before I answer this right off, ask yourself these questions: “Do I want to lose access to all other databases on the instance?  What would happen if I lose the model my company demands for the specific way every new…