
Procure SQL Remote DBA Blog

Database learning and ramblings from the Procure SQL Team

Procure SQL’s Weekly Digest – February 28, 2024!

Here are some news, videos, tips, and links the Procure SQL team would like to share! Scan vs. Seek The most…

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Power BI: Discover What License Is Best for Your Money

Am I choosing the correct license for my budget and needs? In the dynamic realm of Data Analytics, the recent…

Azure VMs – How To Go Green

This article will help guide you to go green with your Azure VMs and save some green! 💸 When building…

Austin Texas SQL Saturday was a Success!

Austin Texas SQL Saturday was a Success! Austin Texas SQL Saturday was a success! Procure SQL would not exist if…

SQL Saturday Austin, Texas – Free SQL Training

SQL Saturday Austin is coming to Austin Texas. That's right, you heard it here first! Free SQL Server training in…

SQL Saturday Jacksonville Sponsors

Procure SQL is proud to be speaking and sponsoring SQL Saturday Jacksonville this weekend. Join us and several other amazing…

Query Store 101

Today I heard a great analogy, and it inspired this post. Execution plans are like flight plans, there are multiple flight paths that can be taken to get from where you are to your ultimate destination. Some plans are more efficient than others, and we want to use those whenever possible. How can I make […]

The post Query Store 101 appeared first on dbWonderKid.