
Procure SQL Remote DBA Blog

Database learning and ramblings from the Procure SQL Team

Procure SQL’s Weekly Digest – February 28, 2024!

Here are some news, videos, tips, and links the Procure SQL team would like to share! Scan vs. Seek The most…

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So What Is Going On? I recently ran into an issue when I set up a job to collect information from an extended event. I wanted to write that to a table in my scratch DBA database. This allowed the customer and I to slice and dice data with ease. This seemed easy enough. I […]

The post QUOTED_IDENTIFIER Set Incorrectly?! appeared first on dbWonderKid.

Getting Started with SQL Server Performance Tuning

Watch! Getting Started with Performance Tuning Have slow queries and want to get down to the basics of learning some…

Tuning Update Statement with SQL Server

You are out doing your scheduled sweeps of the environment and you notice a huge I/O consumer is one of your update procedures. Your initial thought may be to panic because how can you test data that is changing? You have several methods to tuning queries that adjust data that allow data to revert between […]

The post Tuning Basics – Updating an Update appeared first on dbWonderKid.

Accelerated Database Recovery

How did we get here? There are many ways that a database can crash and need to recover. Maybe you find yourself here from something more severe like hardware failure, perhaps it was only a reboot and when things started to come back you see databases stuck in an “In Recovery” state. I personally have […]

The post Advanced Database Recovery appeared first on dbWonderKid.

SQL Server 2022 What is New?

SQL Server 2022 was announced yesterday at Microsoft's Ignite Conference. Here are some of the items that caught our attention.…

Clustered Index vs Heap

What is a heap? Heap was actually named pretty accurately. It is a “pile” of unsorted/unorganized data. A heap will exist on any table that lacks a clustered index. Heaps can exist even if you have a non clustered indexes. The main advantage to a heap is the speed at which you can insert data […]