
Search Results for "Query Store"

Azure Migration Resources

SQL Server Azure walk-through and basics When starting your journey to the Microsoft cloud, understand features, strategies and pricing models…

Automatic Tuning in the Real-World

In SQL Server 2016 we saw Query Store.  Query Store was a game changer to help database administrators identify troublesome…

September 2018 Training Opportunities

The Procure SQL team is out and about in September, sharing their knowledge for free at SQL Saturdays as well…

SQL Saturday Houston 2018

We are back this year!  Not only are we sponsoring SQL Saturday Houston, we are also speaking!  All three of…

SQL Saturday Chicago

Last weekend I had a blast speaking at the SQL Saturday in Chicago. It was awesome to share my knowledge…

Clustered Index vs Heap

What is a heap? Heap was actually named pretty accurately. It is a “pile” of unsorted/unorganized data. A heap will exist on any table that lacks a clustered index. Heaps can exist even if you have a non clustered indexes. The main advantage to a heap is the speed at which you can insert data […]