
During the pandemic, have you neglected your workout or fallen off your diet?  Have you forgotten to schedule or missed your regular health check?  If we ignore the maintenance of our bodies, we put our well-being at risk. 

The same thing may happen to your formerly robust database and SQL Server when you do not regularly monitor the health of the data. Your SQL Server performance may slow down, and your environment could become less secure – potentially putting you a short step away from critical data loss!

To cope with this problem and get your database back to good health, Procure SQL developed our 80-Step SQL Server Health Check to analyze, prioritize, and repair your systems. 

SQL Server Health Checks: Three steps to removing your database pain!


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How we Analyze your System

Our SQL Server health check analysis includes running a two-week diagnostics on your server, operating system, an instance of SQL Server, and your databases. We execute our homegrown 80-point inspection while also utilizing other tools to drill deep into the root of your SQL Server performance.

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How we Prioritize the Findings

Our SQL Server health check report will break down all findings and action items into four different groups. First, is the "Do Now" section. These are low risk and/or high Benefit changes. Second, is the "Do Soon" section. This section includes medium risk and/or medium benefits. Third, is "Long-Term Planning" section. This is where we drill into setting you up for long-term success. Finally, the "Continuous Work" section. This includes ongoing data platform tasks that will keep your environment healthy.

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Find answers you deserve with a SQL Server Health Check

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What do you get?

We provide your team with a clear picture of the health of your database systems and outline the necessary steps to ensure the health of your database now and high SQL Server performance going forward. We then present you with a comprehensive report, including a prioritized list of recommended actions. We work with you to implement the low-hanging fruit. You are not left alone wondering how to make your systems healthier.

We Review the Following During a Health Check:

  • Database Architecture
  • Check for problematic code
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery
  • File Structure and Database Corruption
  • Server level and Instance Settings
  • A long list of other critical factors

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