
Austin Texas SQL Saturday

Austin Texas SQL Saturday was a Success!

Austin Texas SQL Saturday was a Success! Austin Texas SQL Saturday was a success! Procure SQL would not exist if it wasn't for #SQLFamily and the SQL Community. Therefore, we always want to help connect, share and learn with our local data…
SQL Saturday Austin Feb 24 and 25 2023

SQL Saturday Austin, Texas – Free SQL Training

SQL Saturday Austin is coming to Austin Texas. That's right, you heard it here first! Free SQL Server training in Austin, TX! SQL Saturday Austin Free Training on Feb 24th and Feb 25th SQL Saturday Austin is Feb 24th and 25 We hope…
Make Your Queries Go Faster

SQL Saturday Jacksonville Sponsors

Procure SQL is proud to be speaking and sponsoring SQL Saturday Jacksonville this weekend. Join us and several other amazing community speakers as we all share our knowledge with the community. The event will be on Saturday, May 14th, 2022,…
Procure SQL - SQL Saturday Denver 2018

SQL Saturday Denver 2018 Resources

I had a blast speaking at SQL Saturday Denver.  To help everyone moving to SQL Server 2017  I have included my slides and demo code below.  If you end up having any questions with the code or need help feel free to contact me. SQL…
Procure SQL September 2018 Training Opportunities

September 2018 Training Opportunities

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The Procure SQL team is out and about in September, sharing their knowledge for free at SQL Saturdays as well as online webinars!  We are very proud of our team and their efforts to share knowledge and experiences.  Be sure to say hello and…

SQL Saturday Houston 2018

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We are back this year!  Not only are we sponsoring SQL Saturday Houston, we are also speaking!  All three of us are presenting!  Go here to see the full schedule. What is SQL Saturday? SQL Saturday is a free training event for Microsoft…

My SQL Saturday Firsts

In October 2011, after working with SQL Server since 1998, I discovered something called SQL Saturday and PASS. For those unaware, these are local events, setup and run by volunteers. Speakers come in from all parts of the country to share,…
Procure SQL - the importance of SQL Saturday

The Importance of SQL Saturdays

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I had the distinct honor of helping John Sterrett (t/b) and Dolph Santorine (t) organize and run SQL Saturday #717 in Wheeling, West Virginia on April 28, 2018.  It was a chance meeting at the event that drove home to me why we invest so much…
Procure SQL SQL Saturday Chicago

SQL Saturday Chicago

Last weekend I had a blast speaking at the SQL Saturday in Chicago. It was awesome to share my knowledge and also catch up with some good friends.  My talk was on Automating the Pain Away with Query Store and Automated Tuning.  I hope this…

Building Your First Always On Availability Group

Have you wanted to build an availability group but didn’t know where to start?  If so, we have discounted SQL Server Availability Group training for you! Join us for pre-conference training brought to us by SQL Saturday Nashville!…